

This study examined the current situation of organic vegetable production and consumption in Phu Loc district, Thua Thien Hue province. The data were gathered through direct interviews with 100 vegetable growers and 35 retailers at local markets. The findings revealed that among the ten typical vegetable crops in the annual crop structure, mustard greens, chives, and peanuts were the most frequently cultivated crops in both villages of Vinh My commune. Farmers employed both chemical and organic fertilizers for vegetable cultivation. All households were well-informed about the principles of organic farming and expressed their willingness to participate in the organic vegetable-growing project, demonstrating their commitment to implementing organic production processes. The markets featured a wide variety of vegetables, with leafy vegetables being the primary choice for consumption. The daily vegetable consumption was relatively low, averaging just under 24kg/day/market. Notably, sellers in all four markets lacked awareness about organic vegetables, with only 16.25% planning to sell organic products. Considering the current status of vegetable production and marketing in the investigated area, several recommendations were put forth. These included planning the establishment of growing zones, promoting the production of a diverse range of organic vegetables, raising awareness among the local population about organic vegetable production and marketing, and implementing policies to support and facilitate the connection and consumption of organic products within the locality.


How to Cite
Tran Dang Khoa, Hoang Thi Thai Hoa, Tran Thi Anh Tuyet, Nguyen Van Thong, Pham Van Dao, & Trần Thị Xuân Phương. (2024). The current status of vegetable production and marketing of organic vegetables in Phu Loc district, Thua Thien Hue province. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 8(1), 3935–3945. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v8n1y2024.1096