

This study aimed to determine the dietary calcium requirement of black apple snails at the juvenile stage. Juveniles (size of 0.03g) were fed 6 diets corresponding to six different calcium supplementations including 1% (Ca1); 3% (Ca3); 5% (Ca5); 7% (Ca7); 9% (Ca9) and 11% (Ca11), respectively, with three replicates per treatment.  Juveniles were reared in composite tanks (80×60 × 50 cm) at a density of 150 ind./tank. The results showed that the survival rate of the snail reached the highest in Ca3 (90.4%) and was significantly different (p<0.05) compared to Ca11 (82.7%). The height, weight, and yield of the snail were the highest in Ca7 (19.1 mm; 1.95 g và 511 g/m2) and were significantly different (p<0.05) compared to those in Ca1, Ca3, Ca9 or Ca11. In conclusion, the requirement of calcium supplementation for growth (weight, height) performance of juvenile black apple snails was 6.34% - 6.68%.


How to Cite
Le Van Binh & Ngo Thi Thu Thao. (2024). Determination calcium requirement of black apple snail (Pila polita, Deshayes, 1830) at the juvenile stage. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 8(1), 4038–4051. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v8n1y2024.1117