

Reinforced concrete slab structure is mainly used in construction works. After a period of exploitation and use due to the deterioration of concrete and reinforced materials reduces the bending strength of reinforced concrete slabs, it is necessary to strengthening to ensure the load bearing capacity as designed. Some reinforced concrete slab systems due to changes in use (increasing height, adding floors, expanding areas ...) increases the load on the slab, so it is necessary to strengthening. Using FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) has become popular in strengthning of reinforced concrete slabs because of their advantages as high tensile strength, large modulus of elasticity, light weight, high abrasion resistance, electrical insulation, good heat resistance, durable over time. In addition, the strengthening effect from this method also comes from fast and easy construction, does not affect architecture, suitable for all shapes and structurese. In this paper, the author designed reinforced concrete slab strengthening for a specific project with an increase in load according to ACI 440.2R-08. The results show that bending strength of reinforced concrete slab are increased significantly from 91 percent to 144 percent depending on the durability level of the concrete material. Besides, the damage of the reinforced concrete slab is caused by the debonding between the FRP and the surface of the structure.


How to Cite
Nguyễn Thị Thanh, Phạm Việt Hùng, Ngô Quý Tuấn, Lê Minh Đức, & Nguyễn Trường Giang. (2021). NGHIÊN CỨU THIẾT KẾ TĂNG CƯỜNG KHẢ NĂNG CHỊU UỐN SÀN BÊ TÔNG CỐT THÉP BẰNG VẬT LIỆU TẤM SỢI FRP DÁN NGOÀI: STUDY ON THE FLEXURAL STRENGTHENING DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SLABS USING EXTERNALLY BONDED FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER LAMINATES. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 5(1), 2330–2341. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v5n1y2021.392