

The study aimed to determine the effects of temperature on growth performance and survival rate of the polychaete Dendronereis chipolini for potential biomass culture. Polychaete juveniles with an average length of 0.9 (± 0.2) cm and weight of 0.007 (± 0.003) g were cultured in a 70 L plastic tank system with a bottom area of 0.25 m2. The polychaete were cultured with a density of 500 individuals/m2 (100 individuals/tank). A five cm layer of mud was placed over the bottom of the tank as substrate. Sea water of 20‰ was used in the experiment. Four different values of temperature were designed as four treatments including 28, 30, 32 and 34°C and triplicated. After 180 days of culture, weight (0.39 ± 0.16 g) and length (5.2 ± 1.2 cm) of the polychaete were higher at temperature of 30°C (p < 0,05) than at others. The survival rate was also significantly higher at 32°C than those at other treatments at days 60 (76.3 ± 2.3%) and 120 (57.3 ± 2.9%) of culture time. However, the difference was not significant among treatments after 180 days (p > 0.05).


How to Cite
Tran Trung Giang, Nguyen Huu The, & Vu Ngoc Ut. (2022). EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND SURVIVAL RATE OF THE POLYCHAETE Dendronereis chipolini. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 6(1), 2806–2815. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v6n1y2022.829