

This paper aimed to present the method and results of assessing the vulnerability due to climate change of the urban areas in Dong Ha city based on a set of 25 criteria of 3 indicator groups: exposure (E), sensitivity (S) and adaptive capacity AC. The primary data were standardized and weighted to rank the results for vulnerability assessment. The research result showed that the vulnerability value of urban areas in Dong Ha city ranged from -0.0422 to 0.3226, divided into 3 level groups: (i) The group with high vulnerability made up 33.33%, including ward 4, Dong Thanh ward, Dong Luong ward located on the edge of Dong Ha city center, these areas had strong exposure and sensitivity factors while the adaptive capacity was incompetent. (ii) The medium level of vulnerability group constituted 44.44%, including ward 3, ward 5, Dong Le ward, and Dong Giang ward. These areas exprienced moderate exposure and sensitivity factors, however, their adaptive capacity to cope with natural disasters was modest. (iii) The mild vulnerability group comprised 22.22%, including ward 1 and ward 2. These wards registered insignificant sensitivity and exposure factors while the adaptive capacity is efficient.


How to Cite
Truong Do Minh Phuong & Nguyen Van Tiep. (2022). ASSESSING THE VULNERABILITY DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE OF THE URBAN AREAS IN DONG HA CITY, QUANG TRI PROVINCE . E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 6(1), 2901–2910. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v6n1y2022.878