

Research and selection of climate smart-oriented agriculture practices are very critical and necessary to support smallholder farmers as well as local authorities to better respond to climate change and ensure sustainable food security. We carried out open, in-depth interviews (n=6), focus group discussion (one group), and semi-structured interviews (n=60) in Phu Vang district. The method to determine the climate smart-oriented agriculture practices is based on the results of consultation and group discussion following 4 criteria: adaptation to climate change, climate change mitigation, food security and household capacity. The study applied the multi-criteria assessment method to evaluate the sustainability of the models. The research results have identified 11 climate smart-oriented agricultural practices and each model is characterized by 4 groups of CSA criteria. The study synthesized following 7 main agricultural model groups for sustainability assessment. The results of the sustainability assessment of 7 model groups show that these model groups are highly sustainable, in which the model post-harvest treatment of rice straw and the model group of husbandry combined with padding are the most sustainable.


How to Cite
Le Thi Hong Phuong. (2022). ASSESSING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF CLIMATE SMART-ORIENTED AGRICULTRAL PRACTICES IN PHU VANG DISTRICT, THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 6(2), 3107–3118. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v6n2y2022.949