

Study on the effect of organic fertilizer dosage and planting density on growth, development and yield of black bean plant. The experiment was conducted with 5 doses of organic fertilizer such as 0 (control), 4, 8, 12, 16 tons/ha and 3 planting densities of 12, 8 and 6 plants/m2 to determine the most suitable dosage of organic fertilizer and planting density to the growth, development, yield and economic efficiency of black beans. The experiment consisted of two factors, was arranged in a split-plot, with 3 repetitions, in the Spring-Summer crop season of 2022 in Trieu Nguyen commune, Dakrong district, Quang Tri province. The research targets were implemented in accordance with the collection of questionnaires, description and evaluation of the Center for Plant Resources, 2012. The results showed that the dose of organic fertilizer and planting density affected the plant height, number of primary branches, leaf area, dry matter, yield and economic efficiency of the black beans. Black beans grow, develop well, give the highest yield and economic efficiency in the treatment P2M1 (with an organic fertilizer application rate of 8 tons/ha and a planting density of 12 plants/m2). This treatment, the actual yield is 12.55 quintals/ha/crop, the profit is 29,877,927 VND/ha/crop and the VCR i5,56. From the research results, it is initially recommended to use an organic fertilizer rate of 8 tons/ha and a planting density of 12 plants/m2 for black beans on alluvial soil in the spring-summer crop season in Quang Tri province.


How to Cite
Sen Trinh Thi, Hoai Nguyen Thi, & Lam Nguyen Ngoc. (2023). THE EFFECTS OF ORGANIC FERTILIZER DOSE AND PLANT DENSITIES ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF BLACK BEANS IN QUANG TRI PROVINCE. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 7(1), 3357–3367. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v7n1y2023.1014