

The black headed caterpillar (BHC), Opisina arenosella Walker, causes serious damage to/on the coconut in many countries around the world, recently invasive and spreading rapidly in Vietnam. This study first recognized Brachymeria kamijoi Habu as a natural enemy, parasitizing the pupae of O. arenosella. The adult B. kamijoi is black in color, the hind coxa is large and black, the outer ventral margin with 13 teeth, and the hind tibia is black except for a small yellow spot before the base. Females are larger than males, the average length of females and males is 4.17 ± 0,15 mm and 3.22 ± 0,18, respectively; the average length of the pupa is 3.88 ± 0,07 mm, the one-day-old larva is 0.94 ± 0,09 mm, and the egg is 0.60 ± 0,06mm in length. The results of the study provided initial information on the identification of B. kamijoi, which is useful for studying field surveys of natural enemies, as well as on biological and ecological characteristics of this potential parasitoid in biological control.


How to Cite
Hoang Le Khac & Dat Nguyen Tuan. (2023). MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF Brachymeria kamijoi Habu, 1960 (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDIDAE), A PUPAL PARASITOID OF COCONUT BLACK HEADED CATERPILLAR Opisina arenosella Walker, 1864 . E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 7(1), 3340–3349. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v7n1y2023.1030