

This study investigates the impacts of climate change on cassava cultivation in the districts of Ea Kar and Krong Bong, Dak Lak province, as well as the adaptation strategies employed by farming households. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews with key informants, group discussions, and household surveys. The results revealed that climate change has significantly affected cassava production, with instances of severe heat stress, prolonged drought, heavy end-of-season rainfall, and abnormal weather patterns. These phenomena have notably hindered cassava growth, development, and yield, with irregular heavy rainfall causing root rot and diminishing root quality and market prices. Despite various adaptation strategies implemented by farmers in the study area, the adoption rate remains low due to barriers such as limited knowledge, financial constraints, labor shortages, and uncertainty regarding the returns on adaptation investments. Additionally, farmers’ perception of cassava as a subsistence rather than a cash crop has deterred investment. The study highlights the reliance on traditional production techniques and emphasizes the need for policy interventions to enhance cassava cultivation efficiency in the face of climate change, aiming to foster sustainable cassava production areas in the Central Highlands, particularly in Dak Lak province.


How to Cite
Nguyen Hac Hien, Le Thi Hoa Sen, & Nguyen Ngoc Lan Chi. (2024). Climate change impacts on cassava production and adaptation strategies of farming households in industrial cassava areas in Dak Lak province. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 8(3), 4507–4518. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v8n3y2024.1173


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