

This study was conducted to determine some characteristics (infection rate, risk factors, symptoms, pathological lesions) of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria spp. in broiler chickens raised in household. Chicken fecal samples were collected from 360 households across 6 districts/towns in Thua Thien Hue province to detect oocysts using the flotation method. The risk factors, including farm size, number of flocks per year, age, rearing method, feed, sanitation, cohabitation with other animals, and manure management were collected through questionnaires. This data was used to analyze its impact on the coccidiosis infection rate in broilers. The study results showed that the percentage of households raising broilers in Thua Thien Hue province with coccidiosis-infected chickens was 76.67%. Risk factors affecting the infection rate included age, rearing method, and type of feed. Chickens under 1 month old (79.17%) and those over 3 months old (73.96%) had higher infection rates than those aged 1-3 months (39.28%) (p < 0.05). Free-range chickens and those fed with scavenged feed  had higher infection risks compared to caged chickens and those fed commercial feed. Coccidiosis-affected chickens exhibited typical symptoms including lethargy, loss of appetite, drooping wings, and feces that were pasty or watery with blood. Typical pathological lesions in the digestive tract included hemorrhage in the small intestine and cecum. The study results provide useful information to enhance the effectiveness of diagnosing coccidiosis in chickens raised on farms in Thua Thien Hue province.


How to Cite
Nguyen Thi Hoa, Le Dinh Phung, Nguyen Van Chao, Pham Hoang Son Hung, Tran Thi Na, Nguyen Thi Hang, & Ho Thi Dung. (2024). Study on clinical signs, pathological lesions and epidemiological characteristics of coccidiosis in chickens raised in households of Thua Thien Hue province. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 8(3), 4453–4462. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v8n3y2024.1189


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