

The goal of this research was to refine the pasteurized tilapia-sausage producing procedure. This research analysed the suitability of small tilapia with weights of 150 - 200 g as ingredients and also the effects of addition salt (0.5 - 2%), steaming temperature (70 - 100℃) and steaming duration (60 - 120 minutes) to texture properties, sensing properties and total aerobic bacteria counts of pasteurized tilapia sausage. Results demonstrated that tilapia with weight of 150 - 200 g each had high filleting yield (39.8%), high protein propotion (17.73%), and suitable to be ingredient for sausage producing. Adding 1.5% of NaCl into paste and then steaming at 80ºC for 90 minutes improved significantly the texture and sensing properties of tilapia sausage. The pasteurization at 80℃ in 90 minutes ensured good texture and microbiological safety for the product. Produced tilapia sausage had high nutritive value (protein 15.29%, lipid 11.81%), meets the Microbiological Safety Standards of the Ministry of Health (Decision 46/2007/QĐ-BYT), had harmony flavour, and receives positive initial receptions from customers.


How to Cite
Phan Do Da Thao, Nguyen Thi Diem Huong, Huynh Thi Ngoc Quyen, Vo Dieu, & Le Thu Ha. (2025). Study on the application of foam mat drying technology to the production of powder from sim extract (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa). E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 9(1), 4775–4786. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v9n1y2025.1210


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