Areca (Areca catechu L.) is grown in Nam Dong district, Thua Thien Hue province, with total area of 180 hectares of which 130 ha have been harvested and revenue from 1.0-1.5 billions VND/ha. Currently, productivity of the areca gardens have serious decrease due to damage of pests. This study aims to evaluate the situation of pests on areca trees and the effectiveness of some chemical pesticides controling the main pests and diseases on areca trees in the basic construction stage. The results showed that there are 3 pests, including the coconut hispine beetle, planthoppers, and trumpet worm, and 8 diseases, including grey leaf spot, brown leaf spot, yellow leaf disease, top rot, inflorescence rot, rhizome rot, root nematodes, and mossly stem. The level of damage ranges from severe, including the coconut hispine beetle and gray leaf spot, to medium damage, including brown leaf spot and yellow leaf disease. Spraying 3-4 times of Amistar Top 325SC (Azoxystrobin, 200 gram/liter + Difenoconazole, 125 gram/liter) at the recommended concentration, each time 2 weeks apart, is highly effective in limiting gray leaf spot, brown leaf spot, and yellow leaf disease on areca palms in the field. Chess 50WG (Pymetrozine, 500gram/kilogram) is effective in controlling the coconut hispine beetle at 83.21% after 14 days of treatment. It is recommended to use Amistar Top 325SC to manage diseases and Chess 50WG to manage pests on areca palms in the basic construction stage in Nam Dong district, Thua Thien Hue province.
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