

By identifying the main factors (including: Education level, Applicability of farming techniques, Distance to consumer market, Main occupation and Agricultural land,…), which impacted on the change of household income in Huong Tra town in the period of 2016 - 2019 and were expressed in the form of linear regression equation, the study has ranked the level of the impact of land factors on the households’ income. To achieve the proposed target, the study surveyed 90 households in 02 wards and 01 commune with the largest agricultural land in the study area, namely Huong Van, Huong Xuan and Hai Duong. The research results show that the land factor have the biggest impact on the income of households with the largest regression value with β5 = 0,282, followed by the factors Education level (β1). = 0,273), Main occupation (β4 = 0,273), Distance to consumer market (β3 = -0,257) and Applicability of farming techniques (β2 = 0,196). Based on that, the research has come up with specific solutions that contribute to raising the income of farmers based on the expansion of agricultural land in Huong Tra town in the near future.


How to Cite
Hồ Việt Hoàng, Nguyễn Gia Hóa, & Trịnh Ngân Hà. (2021). ĐÁNH GIÁ ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA YẾU TỐ ĐẤT ĐAI ĐẾN THU NHẬP CỦA NÔNG HỘ TRÊN ĐỊA BÀN THỊ XÃ HƯƠNG TRÀ, TỈNH THỪA THIÊN HUẾ. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 5(1), 2272–2279. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v5n1y2021.346