

Producing organic fertilizer from animal wastes after biogas treatment to create fertilizer source and solving environmental pollution is now an important issue. Therefore, the study was conducted with the purpose of assessing the effect of mixing some composting materials on the quality of organic fertilizer from animal waste after biogas production and thereby identifying good mixing materials with the best organic fertilizer from animal waste after biogas production. The experiment consists of 6 treatments with different composting materials and rates which was conducted in Huong Van ward, Huong Tra town, Thua Thien Hue province from November 2019 to March 2020. The experiment consisted of 3 replicates, arranged in the RCBD. The research results show that different composting materials and rates affected on the physical and chemical properties of organic fertilizer from animal waste after biogas production. Among the composting materials, the combination of liquid and solid residues from the biogas digesters with rice straw and peanut husks (1: 1) + Trichoderma gave the best quality of organic fertilizer (N 2.92%; P2O5 0.92%; K2O 4.64%, OM 38.84%), in other treatments combined with peat, straw and peanut husk also gave better quality organic fertilizer than the control without composting materials with liquid and solid residues from biogas digesters. It is necessary to expand the research results on a larger scale and to test its effectiveness on crops that contribute to productivity, soil improvement and environmental pollution from this animal waste.


How to Cite
Hoàng Thị Thái Hòa, Trần Thanh Đức, Hồ Công Hưng, Nguyễn Quang Cơ, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy, Đinh Thị Song Thủy, & Đỗ Đình Thục. (2020). ẢNH HƯỞNG CỦA VẬT LIỆU Ủ ĐẾN CHẤT LƯỢNG PHÂN HỮU CƠ TỪ CHẤT THẢI BIOGAS TẠI THỪA THIÊN HUẾ: EFFECT OF COMPOSTING MATERIALS ON QUALITY OF ORGANIC FERTILIZER FROM BIOGAS WASTE IN THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 4(3), 2111–2119. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v4n3y2020.385