

The objective of this study was to determine the property of acid sulfate soil cultivated pineapple to find out the obstacles of soil properties for pineapple cultivation. A total of 15 soil samples were collected in depth of 0 - 20 cm from 15 pineapple fields in Tan Tien commune, Vi Thanh city, Hau Giang province. Results showed that soil was classified at strong acidity. Total nitrogen content was classified at medium threshold, and available nitrogen concentration were detected 40.4 - 227.4 mg NH4+ kg-1 and 13.1 - 96.3 mg NO3- kg-1. Total phosphorus content was categorized at high level but available phosphorus content was evaluated at medium threshold. The mean concentration of insoluble phosphorus fractions including Al-P, Fe-P and Ca-P were 42.9, 202.3 and 19.6 mg kg-1, respectively. The maximum concentration of exchangeable aluminum was 20.4 meq Al3+ 100 g-1, and ferrous content was 787.8 mg Fe2+ kg-1. Besides, the cation exchangeable capacity was assessed at medium level and the organic matter content was determined at high concentration. Generally, soil fertility of pineapple cultivation is medium. Phosphorus should be applied from bio-products to minimize the fixed P by aluminum and iron.


How to Cite
Nguyen Quoc Khuong, Chau Hoang Trong, Le Vinh Thuc, Tran Ngoc Huu, & Ly Ngoc Thanh Xuan. (2022). CHEMICAL PROPERTY OF ACID SULFATE SOIL CULTIVATED PINEAPPLE IN TAN TIEN COMMMUNE, VI THANH CITY, HAU GIANG PROVINCE. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 6(1), 2835–2840. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v6n1y2022.666