

This study aimed to assess the factors that influence the efficiency of removing ammonium chloride from dried purpleback squids, in order to increase the quality of this raw material. Using alkalizing-neutralizing method, this study examined the effects of alkaline (NaHCO3) concentration (1-2.5%), acid (CH3COOH) concentration (0.5-2%), alkaline treatment time (10-25 minutes), and neutralizing time (5-20 minutes) on the product quality, including NH4Cl residue, treatment efficiency, colour and sensory. According to the finding, the factors that affected most on the quality of dried purpleback squids were NaHCO3 2%, CH3COOH  1.5%, alkaline treatment for 20 minutes, and neutralizing for 15 minutes. The processing efficiency (Hxl) reached at 95.8%, NH4Cl residue concentration fell to 0.34 g/kg.The processed dried purpleback squids had good aftertaste, almost without bitter taste, and the ammonia smell disappeared; the score of sensory evaluation of flavour and odour were 1.1 and 1.0. The processed samples had redness (a*) decrease, lightness (L*) and whiteness (WI) increase, with values of a* = 4.00; L* = 60.32; WI = 59.50. The treated dried squids can be used as ingredient for producing food products.


How to Cite
Thao Phan Do Da, Vinh Do Ngoc, Huong Nguyen Thi Diem, Hue Nguyen Van, Dieu Vo, & Ha Le Thu. (2022). THE IMPACT OF ALKALIZING-NEUTRALIZING METHOD ON THE EFFICIENCY OF ELIMINATING AMMONIUM CHLORIDE FROM DRIED PURPLEBACK SQUIDS (Oualaniensis sthenoteuthis). E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 6(3), 3264–3273. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v6n3y2022.950