

This study aims to assess the efficiency of rice production through vertical integration toward VietGAP standards. We used empirical evidence from Quang Tien commune, Ba Don town, Quang Binh province. Data was collected from the semi-structured interview with 60 households at the study site in 2020 combined with the secondary data. We used the indicators for assessing land use – society - environment efficiency to analyze both rice production models' efficiency. The findings show that the rice production through vertical integration toward VietGAP reduced investment costs and increased productivity. Therefore, the average gross output reached 45 million VND/ha/crop, 6.2 million VND/ha/crop higher than the regular rice land-use type. The average value added was 14.5 million/ha/crop, higher than regular rice. In addition, the average added value per labor of rice production through vertical integration toward VietGAP is higher than regular rice. The use of organic fertilizers and biological pesticides also improves the soil environment. Overall, rice production through vertical integration towards VietGAP contributed to promoting the economy at the household scale and promoted the goal of restructuring agriculture toward sustainable agricultural productivity and added value for rice products in the study area.


How to Cite
Quy Le Ngoc Phuong, Ha Duong Thi Thu, Linh Le Viet, & Tuan Tran Duc. (2023). THE EFFICIENCY OF RICE PRODUCTION THROUGH VERTICAL INTEGRATION TOWARD VIETGAP STANDARDS IN QUANG TIEN COMMUNE, BA DON TOWN, QUANG BINH PROVINCE. Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 7(2), 3677–3685. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v7n2y2023.970