

In Ninh Thuan province, ber fruit (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk) has been growing popularly. However, one of challenges for the Ninh Thuan ber fruit production are pest management. This study was carried out in Ninh Son district, Ninh Thuan province. Collecting secondary data on ber fruit production in Ninh Thuan through annual yearbooks in 2016 and 2017. The field investigation on pest composition and fluctuation was conducted during the Spring crop of 2019 on both netted fields and unnetted fields, 4 - 6 years old trees. Survey methods followed the standard 01:38/2010 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Results indicated that in 2017, there was 1.008 ha cultivated ber fruit in Ninh Thuan province in which 93.5% (890 ha) harvested areas with 34,034 tons of fruit in total. Ten species of pests were found on ber fruit fields, including 5 insect pests (Cydia pomonella, Bactrocera dorsalis; Planococcus lilacinus; Dasychira sp.; Curculionidae), 4 diseases (Podosphaeria leucotricha, Capnodium sp., Colletotrichum sp., Penicillium expansum) and 1 mite (Tetranychus urticae). There were 3 abundant and serious damage species namely fruit borer (Cydia pomonella), fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) and powdery mildew disease (Podosphaeria leucotricha). The results also indicated that netting the fields could be a good control measure of the fruit borer and fruit fly. Therefore, netting the ber fruit fields should be introduced in large area to reduce damage to major insect pests.


How to Cite
Dong Tran Thi Hoang, Hung Thai Doan, & Hoang Le Khac. (2023). PRODUCTION SITUATION AND PESTS ON BER FRUIT (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.) IN NINH THUAN PROVINCE. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 7(1), 3368–3376. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v7n1y2023.1046