

Using data collected from group discussions and household surveys in 4 communes Hong Bac, Hong Thuy, Huong Nguyen and Quang Nham in A Luoi district, this study presented the growth characteristics, farming methods and economic performance of the upland rice varieties in A Luoi district applying summary statistics and economic analysis. Ra Du and Nep Than were the two commonly grown upland rice varieties and were mostly intercropped with short and long-term crops on hilly, forest and household garden lands, time of planting and harvesting from April to November. Pest destroyed 5-15% of pests on upland rice yield while yield losses caused by plant diseases is 20-25%. Households did not invest in this farming activity at all except for the seed they left on their own and family labor. In addition, the results of household economic analysis for upland rice cultivation showed that the average rice yield is 18.49 tons/ha, which brings in 8.88 million VND/ha in economic profit, equivalent to 32.7 million VND/household. Raising people's awareness about upland rice cultivation techniques, economic performance and market potential of this crop as well as supporting production inputs for farming housholds and planning the area for growing upland rice are the solutions that this study proposes.


How to Cite
Hien Tran Thi Thu & Loi Tran Hanh. (2023). CULTIVATION PRACTICES AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF UPLAND RICE FARMING IN A LUOI DISTRICT, THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 7(1), 3475–3486. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v7n1y2023.1053