

Carotenoids are pigments playing crucial roles in human life and are applied in many fields, such as food, medicine, and industry. However, the commercial production of carotenoids is still expensive at present. In this study, we investigated the possibility of Rhodosporidium paludigenum for producing carotenoids from pineapple peel. The results showed that the pineapple peel extract could replace the Hansen medium in the production of carotenoids. The highest carotenoid content was 1.332±0.006 mg/g and 6.362±0.539 mg/L. In addition, the extract obtained from R. paludigenum had highly antioxidant activity (93.52±0.31%) and was found to be more effective against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeroginosa, and Salmonella sp.


How to Cite
Ly Nguyen Minh & Mai Le Thi. (2023). EFFECT OF SOME FACTORS ON CAROTENOID PRODUCTION BY Rhodosporidium paludigenum CULTURED ON MEDIUM CONTAINING PINEAPPLE PEEL EXTRACT. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 7(1), 3377–3387. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v7n1y2023.1057