A survey on the current status of cultivated techniques and pests on coconut was conducted at Phu Quoc island, Kien Giang province through interviewing households based on designed questionaires. Results showed that the density of coconut planting in Phu Quoc island was common from 250 to 300 trees per one ha. In the dry season, farmers mainly used well water to irrigate coconut trees, watering every 10 days, the amount of water was mainly from 30 to 60 liters per one tree. Weed management was carried out by farmers using a lawn mower every 30 to 60 days. Commonly used organic fertilizers were livestock manure with less than 10 to 20 kg per a tree and fish fertilizer was less than 10 kg per a tree and over 20 kg per a tree. The main fertilization method was spreading at the plant bases and leaving bags, The number of fertilizations was mainly less than 3 times per a year. Used inorganic fertilizer was mainly NPK 20-20-15, the dosage was mainly less than 0.5 kg per a tree and 0.5-1.0 kg per a tree, fertilized by spreading at the plant bases, the number of fertilizations was mainly less than 3 times per a year. Pests on coconuts were mainly insects. The most common species was coconut beetles with a damage rate of less than 30%, followed by coconut worms with a damage rate of less than 20%. Therefore, it is necessary to have a working plan on variety selection, improvement of cultivated techniques and pests management of coconut to improve productivity, quality and sustainable development of coconut trees at Phu Quoc island, Kien Giang province.
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