The phytosanitary objects is one of the technical barriers for annual import and export agricultural products activities in Vietnam and all over the world. This study aimed to identify the species composition of insect pests on imported agricultural products at Bo Y international border gate. Investigating, sampling insect following the National technical regulation on phytosanitary sampling methods and species morphology identification based on published documents identifying stored pests. Research indicators include species composition, composition proportion, prevalence and host range of insect pests on agricultural products. Results showed that there were 19 insect species belonging to 13 families and 4 different orders damaged on agricultural products imported through Bo Y international border gate. Among them, there were 13 species belong to Coleoptera; four species belong to Hemiptera, 1 species belongs to Psocoptera and 1 species belongs to Diptera. Results also indicated that there were 9 primary insect pest species and 10 secondary insect pests species. The most common occurring species were Cryptolestes sp. (rusty grain beetle) and Ahasverus advena (foreign grain beetle) with composition proportion of 47.4% and 26.3% respectively and they had been found on 5/9 types of agricultural products. There was not any species belong to phytosanitary objects in Vietnam. Regularly investigate the composition of pests on imported agricultural products to promptly detection of phytosanitary objects to limited and damage in other regions and countries.
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