

This study was conducted on 06 quality rice varieties to select varieties with good growth, development, and adaptability to cultivating conditions in Quang Nam province. The experiment was designed in a randomized complete block with three replicates for each variety and carried out in the Winter-Spring crop 2020-2021. The results showed that the growth time of these varieties was from 120 to 127 days. The plant height of the rice varieties ranged from 83.80 cm to 107.33 cm. The effective tiller rate of varieties was rather good (73.12% to 84.83%). Several insect pests and diseases infected rice in the experimental field but at a mild level (score 1), there were brown planthoppers, leaf folders, and leaf blast disease. The actual yield of tested varieties varied from 69,3 to 82,3 quintals/ha. All varieties had elongated grain shapes. The rate of head rice was rather low. As a result, we selected two rice varieties, namely VNR4 and VNR20 which had high yield and good commercial quality, and we proposed to keep producing these varieties in the large field area.


How to Cite
Nhi Phan Thi Phuong & Phuc Le Thi Hong. (2023). STUDY ON GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND YIELD OF SOME NEW QUALITY RICE VARIETIES IN QUANG NAM PROVINCE. E-Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 7(1), 3350–3356. https://doi.org/10.46826/huaf-jasat.v7n1y2023.988