The study was conducted to assess the prevalence and antibiotic resistance status of E. coli and Salmonella on pork carcasses and in the environment at pig slaughterhouses in Hue city and nearby areas. The prevalence of Salmonella in carcass samples and slaughterhouse floor samples was 16.7%, higher than in water used for slaughtering (3.3%) and slaughterhouse surfaces (0.0%). On the other hand, the prevalence of E. coli in slaughterhouse surfaces, carcasses, slaughterhouse floors, and water used for slaughtering was 66.7%, 50%, 40.0%, and 30.0%, respectively. Salmonella and E. coli contamination rates on pork carcasses were higher in large slaughterhouses compared to small ones (P<0.05). The E. coli isolates exhibited high rate resistance to antibiotic, including ampicillin (88,9%); tetracycline (79,6%); chloramphenicol (65,7%). Concurrently, the Salmonella isolates resistance to tetracycline (82,4%), chloramphenicol (76,5%), and . Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim (64,7%). For multi-drug resistance, among Salmonella strains, 52.9% were resistant to 6-8 antibiotics, while 35.2% were resistant to 2-5 antibiotics. Regarding E. coli, 67.5% were resistant to 2-5 a antibiotics, and 24.0% were resistant to 6-8 antibiotics. The findings contribute to data on the antimicrobial resistance of foodborne bacteria at slaughterhouses in Hue City and nearby regions, providing insights into reducing the risk of contamination and transmission of the foodborn pathogens.
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