The study conducted in the Spring-Summer 2024 season in Quang Thanh commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province aims to determine the appropriate amount of organic fertilizer and planting density for sweet pepper production in the local area. A two-factor experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with 3 replications, which included 4 levels of organic fertilizer (0, 15, 20, 25 tons/ha) and 2 planting densities (3 and 4 plants/m²). The research indicators were based on the Standard QCVN 01 - 64:2011/BNNPTNT for evaluating the agricultural value of sweet pepper varieties. Research results showed that sweet pepper plants are fertilized with 20 tons of organic fertilizer/ha and planted with density of 3 plants/m2 increased the plants growth and development; less affected by pests and diseases; the high yield with 14.8 tons/ha; the highest profit reached 283.931.719 VND/ha/crop; and the profit-to-cost ratio (VCR) was highest at 2.61. Additionally, soil chemical properties (pHKCl, OC, N, P2O5, K2O) were improved after the experiment. Therefore, it is recommended to use 20 tons/ha of organic fertilizer with a density of 3 plants/m² along with a fertilization base of 100 kg N + 100 kg P2O5 + 140 kg K2O + 300 kg lime powder/ha for sweet pepper production in the Spring-Summer season in Thua Thien Hue province.
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